How to Install MongoDB Community Server on Windows

MongoDB installation on Windows
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With few easy steps you can install MongoDB to your windows system. Lets start.

  1. Download MongoDB community version .msi File from here . Before you download make sure select latest or stable version, platform as windows and package as msi.
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Select MongoDB version and platform with package type

2. Once the download is completed click on downloaded file.

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you will populated with MongoDB installer window. Click on Next

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3. Accept Terms and Conditions and click on Next.

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4. Choose setup type as Complete and click on Next button.

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Optional: You can select custom as well if you want to install specific feature or you want to change the way features install and click on Next button after selection of features you want to install. Recommendation is to select Complete option.

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5. Select Configuration options. click on check box which say install MongoDB as server and Radio button “Run service as Network Service User”. If You want you can change the service name, data directory path where all your databases will be stored and Log directory path. By default these values will auto select to your c drive program files.

After doing Changes click on Next button.

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6. Optional: Install MongoDB Compass if you want to. MongoDB Compass is official UI (user interface) environment for MongoDB. if you are new in MongoDB and not comfortable with command line interface you can install it to easily manage and view all your databases. Unchecked the checkbox if you do not want to install it.

Recommendation: my personal suggestion is you can install it at once and try it. if you do not like the CMD environment you can easily uninstall it later on. Click Next Button.

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7. You are ready to Install MongoDB. Click on Install button and wait for the installation to be complete. It will take few minutes.

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While installation if may ask for close some application like in my case it asked to close Firefox browser. save your data if any and click on “OK” to close the application.

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7. Installation Completed. Click on Finish button and you are done.

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