Create Facebook (Meta) App

Facebook Meta app creation
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Facebook Meta app creation

To use Meta Previously Facebook products like Facebook login, Instagram graph API and many others we need to first create Facebook app.

To create meta / Facebook app follow below steps..

Step- 1

Go to Facebook developers website : and click on Get started  link

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If you are first time login to developer account fill all the information contact info, about you etc.

Verify your email. Please enter valid email only it will send verification code on that email.

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Select option which of the best describe you and click complete Registration.

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Step: 2

Once you click registration you will land to main app page and click on Create APP button.

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Select type of App you want to create and click on next . Once selected you cannot change app type.

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Enter your app name and click on create app. It will ask for your password one more time at this step.

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Congratulations your first Facebook app is created successfully. On top right hand you can see your app id.   Now you can add products to your app as per your requirements.

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